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Brand Awareness

 Sales Process & Materials

Client Acquisition & Retention 

The art of selling and reaching out to your customers can often be a daunting one, especially if you're an Entreprenuer wearing many hats, including sales. Many business owners are personally attached to their brand so it can be challenging to think strategically about the sales cycle and the right messaging to your clients. 


Together, we'll evaluate your current brand awareness among stakeholders, design or improve your sales process and review your messaging to strengthen client acquisition/retention and help you create maximum impact during the sales cycle and beyond.  




Communications Plan

Integrated Marketing Plan

Social Media Strategy 



We help our clients focus on the strategic intent of each decision to create robust and impactful communications that speak directly and purposefully to your target audience. We believe the way you engage with your internal stakeholders is just as important as the way you connect with your external stakeholders and

potential clients. 


Our services include creating a communications plan that addresses the needs of both your employees and clients while keeping your business up-to-date with effective marketing and social media strategies to ensure consistent messaging across all

communications platforms. 

“A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact

on the world you live in.”
-Nicole Snow, Founder/CEO #DarnGoodYarn


Brand Development

 Website Design/SEO

Content Creation

Digital Marketing

Together, marketing and web design create a lasting impact among current clients and shapes perceptions among new clients you are trying to attract to your products and services. Our philosophy is to keep these digital assets simple, clean and consistent across all of your multi-media touch points.


Together, we'll explore your company's visual identity and get to work! If you already have a website, we'll provide a website audit, discuss feedback and consider some "refresh" elements. 



Public Speaking

Image Consulting

Media Training

High-Performance Leadership Skills

Investor Pitch Prep for Start-ups


Our team knows what it takes to put on your A-game!  We're passionate about working together to guide you through the journey of overcoming fears, building your self-confidence and your skillset so you're ready for any situation from the studio to the boardroom to a virtual business pitch. 


No matter where you are in the process, there's no better time than NOW to begin working on YOU and your personal brand.  


You'll work one-on-one with Raffaella to customize a coaching plan that works for you based on where you are and the personal goals you want to achieve. We invite you to schedule your complimentary call to discuss how presentation skills training can help you go from just okay to captivating! 

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