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3 Steps to Re-engage your Creativity and find Inspiration

Updated: Mar 2, 2021


Like many of my colleagues and friends during these trying times, we have all faced challenges on many levels. For the most part, they are personal, which often affects our larger purpose in terms of our business activities, focus and overall productivity.

I've experienced this first-hand throughout my career and have learned to recognize it and have found creative ways to hit the "refresh" button to continue my work in a more meaningful and impactful way.

This past week was a good example! After much anticipation, one of our beautiful public gardens in the area re-opened. I knew that I needed time in a new setting and in nature to give myself the freedom and time to think, be present and take cues from the inspiration surrounding me. As a performing artist, I have found much joy in appreciating art and beauty in all its forms. On this day, I knew it was time to Reflect, Reset and Refresh.

Here are 3 Steps to re-engage your creativity and forge ahead with your business or personal goals:

Step 1: Reflect. Look at your emotional, physical and behavioral cues and do a quick assessment.

  • Are you feeling stuck in your thought process and decision-making?

  • Is your energy lacking in certain areas compared to other times when you feel more engaged and focused?

  • Are you delaying certain tasks or activities without defined goals and timelines?

If your answer is yes, it might be time for a reset. It can be difficult to be honest with ourselves at these moments. On a personal note, I consider myself a hardworking, focused person, but no matter how driven we think we are, sometimes things crop up that may take us off course...and that's okay! Give yourself permission for some personal time so you can adjust and figure out what's next.

Step 2: Reset. Think about who, what, or where inspires you and helps you re-connect with yourself, your thoughts and your purpose.

Consider inspiring places, activities, role models, books and other creative inspiration that may help you get to this place.

  • Think back to the times when you experience the joy and energy that help you overcome obstacles more easily, face challenges head-on or tackle tasks head-on.

  • Don't judge yourself! For you it may be exercise, chatting to a good friend, watching a sunset and writing in your journal, or learning from inspirational leaders.

  • Notice the behavior change and motivation that grows from within when allowing yourself time to be present and be open to the creative thoughts that may come from this.

Step 3: Refresh. Celebrate your success and recognize that you were the one who made this effort to change your focus in order to "re-focus" and refresh!

  • Take this new found energy and make a note of ideas, thoughts, problem-solving and anything else that resulted from the experience. Even the smallest changes often leads to other ideas and actions within the following days or weeks.

  • Give yourself time to let these thoughts take shape. When you revisit your list, you may find that priorities become clearer, solutions emerge and overall, you have a better sense of balance and a clear path forward.

  • Set yourself 2-3 initial goals for the upcoming week after this activity and aim to check them off your list. Keep doing that each week until you're ready for your next "reset" activity.

For me, my walk through nature and appreciating the simple things in life gave me renewed energy, focus and purpose.

And it gave me something to share with you! For that, I am grateful and inspired to do more...

To your success,


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